Year Book 2018
曲 : 脱离平庸的生活
It is always fun to explore new experience and break limitations, instead of a humble start with something like 'this year has been great', I would like to start with 'THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME'.
So far 2018 has been the greatest year of my life. A lot of first-time, been to places that I never been to and built strong bonds with new people around me. I was surprised by myself actually when I reviewed my 2018, I almost filled every month with some new surprises and new turns which indeed have got me better to know myself and the one life that I have been leading for 22 years.
I GOT PROMOTED TO THE QUANTITATIVE RISK TEAM!! Until now my memory of that day stills lays fresh in my head, I remember the moment I walked out of my director's office, called my family and tap danced to the tube station on my way back home. I uploaded a status in my Wechat, it says something like this:
Flew myself to Hong Kong for the first time, first time Hong Kong and first time I fly with Emirates. Underwhelming experience for Emirates, but overwhelming for the trip. Get to know quite a number of genuine friends from Hong Kong and yea, lost my first fucking iphone in Lam Kwai Fong..
Got my best birthday gift ever his year. I got the offer to continue my career in Chicago after my graduation. Although I haven't sign the contract yet, but the best part is that I have proven to myself, that a downtown boy from Malaysia are capable to live up to the life he dream of, this is a place where I can do it if I try.
First I was reluctant to visit Disneyland, Paris. I was like 'why are we going to Disneyland in a university field?'. But what do ya know? It turns out to be the best part of the trip. Tried my first adult-level roller coaster of my life and also the drop tower shit in Disneyland.
Guess what? I was actually tricked to get in the drop tower shit and forced to go on a ride on the roller coaster ffs. Looking at the bright side, at least now I am all ready for a ride anytime, including my friend with the worst driving skills. The cliche about once you have tried and not die, you are good for the rest of your life is true I guess.
Disneyland, Paris. Smart tip: If you are considering going there, take your gf / bf, the place is so romantic even you just sit there do nothing. Good tip for boys, you're welcome
My mom and baby sister came to visit us in the UK! (us means me and my elder sister, aka piece of shit.) Haven't seen them face to face for like 2 years or so, the visit wasn't a perfect or even close to any ideal experiences we expected, but hey, at least we are closer now than ever after that trip :)
Funny enough I was here in the UK for like 2 years but I only started exploring some new cities outside London and Coventry when my sister was sticking with me. Got to lived together with her for about 2 months, visited some new places randomly, eventually she had enough of cooking my dinner for me every night and me not washing the dishes HAHA and that's why she went back to Malaysia lol.
Although she is sometimes a pain in the ass, but she is a kind and understanding lady...when she is not angry. Maybe it's the compassion she has for everything around her, which explains why she can take fabulous pictures, but who knows meh.
London Barbican Centre - One random weekend in August 2018
Brighton, UK - Another random weekend in August 2018
I participated in a competition about solving one of the problems listed in the United Nations (like zero hunger, clean water, sanitation etc), our specific area to work on is in Odisha, India. Won't go into the details about what I was doing back then, but it was a meaningful experience in a way that it gives me a clearer picture of what it takes to change the world, or at least to bend it a little bit to the way we want it. My thought about the whole experience and the impact it had on me are a bit long winded so I will just leave it for another time.
October to me is a transition period, it was a period where I packed my stuff in London office and roll back to Coventry to re-enrolled in university again. It was a period of confusion and chaotic, I regretted not taking a short break in between but I caught up with the tempo later on anyways Teehee.
Owh yea, I got the contract to work for my company as a part-time contractor this month as well, so not really totally discharged from my duty, which I am totally glad to have it in my pocket.
To put in plain words, December was a vacation month HAHA play play non-stop that's how you do it. Went to a rave party in Liverpool and went for ski in Edingburgh, both are my first time experience. Pretty lit actually. After the rave, Tomorrowland seems to become one of my must-go event now, rave fewer detected.
Dmitri Vegas, Garden of Madness, Liverpool - December 2018
Ski in Glenchee Ski Resort, Edingburgh, fucking cold like seriously.
In all, I have been super grateful for what I have in 2018. If I were to conclude my 2018 in a word it would definitely be 'harvest'. There were a lot of surprises and opportunities I came across with, whether is it about family, career, friendship or relationships, with that I am super grateful. Those exciting experiences, whether or not they are well-intended, have made me stronger and crazier, they have led me to realized that there are another way of living, more meaningful than work, pay bills and die.
I refuse in every inch of my body to lead a mediocre and dull life without any new experiences nor purpose, and also I find no excitement in living a life less than I am capable of. So with that, I am all down to make 2019 a better year than 2018.
And most importantly, every faces and souls that kept me going this year, those people who were right beside me and walked me down every path in 2018, a big love and a big thank you!
So far 2018 has been the greatest year of my life. A lot of first-time, been to places that I never been to and built strong bonds with new people around me. I was surprised by myself actually when I reviewed my 2018, I almost filled every month with some new surprises and new turns which indeed have got me better to know myself and the one life that I have been leading for 22 years.
I GOT PROMOTED TO THE QUANTITATIVE RISK TEAM!! Until now my memory of that day stills lays fresh in my head, I remember the moment I walked out of my director's office, called my family and tap danced to the tube station on my way back home. I uploaded a status in my Wechat, it says something like this:
从董事会议室出来 是我近几年最开心的一瞬间

你们的握手拥抱和差点掐死我的祝贺就不说了 我无法言语的感谢你们懂的.
2018年 注定不会平凡'

你们的握手拥抱和差点掐死我的祝贺就不说了 我无法言语的感谢你们懂的.
2018年 注定不会平凡'
March was more like a relaxing month, I have my first Mayday concert in London (That was one of my bucketlist by the way, IMMA DIE HARD MAYDAY FANS), and I was in Birmingham to volunteer in the BWF All England Badminton Championship. Well, wouldn't say I am so passionate about being a volunteer, but being part of one of the biggest tournament of my favorite sport, that does mean a thing to me in some ways.
Flew myself to Hong Kong for the first time, first time Hong Kong and first time I fly with Emirates. Underwhelming experience for Emirates, but overwhelming for the trip. Get to know quite a number of genuine friends from Hong Kong and yea, lost my first fucking iphone in Lam Kwai Fong..
Got my best birthday gift ever his year. I got the offer to continue my career in Chicago after my graduation. Although I haven't sign the contract yet, but the best part is that I have proven to myself, that a downtown boy from Malaysia are capable to live up to the life he dream of, this is a place where I can do it if I try.
My journey has always been an adventure. A boy from
northern Malaysia to the capital, from capital to Birmingham, from Birmimgham
to London and moving to Chicago after. The path was not tragic enough to be
inspiring, but hopeful enough to be up-beating. It was a little bit twist and
turn along the way but in all the pendulum had always brought me the forward
momentum. I always knew that somewhere sometime my effort will eventually paid
off, with persistence and imagination, I am glad I pulled it through. I am
grateful for everything, the opportunity, the steel will to strive higher and
every single positive member around me who never lose faith in me for going
big. "What do you want to do after your graduation?" "Get
married maybe? I don't know just yet." "What about go to where you
belong? I have a quant desk in Chicago." The next thing I remember I was
heading to the HR office. Best birthday gift ever. 何时那万种渐层的斑斓
--May 2018
First I was reluctant to visit Disneyland, Paris. I was like 'why are we going to Disneyland in a university field?'. But what do ya know? It turns out to be the best part of the trip. Tried my first adult-level roller coaster of my life and also the drop tower shit in Disneyland.
Guess what? I was actually tricked to get in the drop tower shit and forced to go on a ride on the roller coaster ffs. Looking at the bright side, at least now I am all ready for a ride anytime, including my friend with the worst driving skills. The cliche about once you have tried and not die, you are good for the rest of your life is true I guess.
Disneyland, Paris. Smart tip: If you are considering going there, take your gf / bf, the place is so romantic even you just sit there do nothing. Good tip for boys, you're welcome
My mom and baby sister came to visit us in the UK! (us means me and my elder sister, aka piece of shit.) Haven't seen them face to face for like 2 years or so, the visit wasn't a perfect or even close to any ideal experiences we expected, but hey, at least we are closer now than ever after that trip :)
Funny enough I was here in the UK for like 2 years but I only started exploring some new cities outside London and Coventry when my sister was sticking with me. Got to lived together with her for about 2 months, visited some new places randomly, eventually she had enough of cooking my dinner for me every night and me not washing the dishes HAHA and that's why she went back to Malaysia lol.
Although she is sometimes a pain in the ass, but she is a kind and understanding lady...when she is not angry. Maybe it's the compassion she has for everything around her, which explains why she can take fabulous pictures, but who knows meh.
London Barbican Centre - One random weekend in August 2018
Brighton, UK - Another random weekend in August 2018
I participated in a competition about solving one of the problems listed in the United Nations (like zero hunger, clean water, sanitation etc), our specific area to work on is in Odisha, India. Won't go into the details about what I was doing back then, but it was a meaningful experience in a way that it gives me a clearer picture of what it takes to change the world, or at least to bend it a little bit to the way we want it. My thought about the whole experience and the impact it had on me are a bit long winded so I will just leave it for another time.
October to me is a transition period, it was a period where I packed my stuff in London office and roll back to Coventry to re-enrolled in university again. It was a period of confusion and chaotic, I regretted not taking a short break in between but I caught up with the tempo later on anyways Teehee.
Owh yea, I got the contract to work for my company as a part-time contractor this month as well, so not really totally discharged from my duty, which I am totally glad to have it in my pocket.
To put in plain words, December was a vacation month HAHA play play non-stop that's how you do it. Went to a rave party in Liverpool and went for ski in Edingburgh, both are my first time experience. Pretty lit actually. After the rave, Tomorrowland seems to become one of my must-go event now, rave fewer detected.
Dmitri Vegas, Garden of Madness, Liverpool - December 2018
Ski in Glenchee Ski Resort, Edingburgh, fucking cold like seriously.
In all, I have been super grateful for what I have in 2018. If I were to conclude my 2018 in a word it would definitely be 'harvest'. There were a lot of surprises and opportunities I came across with, whether is it about family, career, friendship or relationships, with that I am super grateful. Those exciting experiences, whether or not they are well-intended, have made me stronger and crazier, they have led me to realized that there are another way of living, more meaningful than work, pay bills and die.
I refuse in every inch of my body to lead a mediocre and dull life without any new experiences nor purpose, and also I find no excitement in living a life less than I am capable of. So with that, I am all down to make 2019 a better year than 2018.
And most importantly, every faces and souls that kept me going this year, those people who were right beside me and walked me down every path in 2018, a big love and a big thank you!
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